Wednesday, June 23, 2010

VF # 25

Much Like VF#24, hopefully a well mannered dark ale with a vibrant toasty, roasty, choc topped goodness.

8Kg Pale
8Kg Pilsner
3Kg Caramunich II
.75Kg Black Malt
0.75Kg Choc Malt
0.5Kg Oats (Rolled)
0.5Kg Wheat
Tot: 21.5kg
200gm Fuggles @ 60min boil
100gm EKG @ 30 min boil
100gm Cascade @ 5 min boil

WYEAST: 1028 London (split into two batches, started to 4L + 4 cups of Light dried Malt)

I don't know yet.... but it will be about 6 hours long, with many laughs in between!
You should try brewing one day...

Here's how it went down....
8.30am adjust pH of 100L of tap water to 3.7 using 10ml of 85% Phos. acid.
Strike Vol: 65-70L
Strike Temp Aim: 66-68degC
Strike Temp 75degC
Actual Strike Vol: 75L
Ambient Temp: 11-13degC @ Dough in...
Mash for 1 Hour.

Sparge Temp 70degC
Sparge Vol: 55L
Sparge Length: 20-25min

First run off Vol: 50L
Sparge run off Vol: 50L
Boil Length: 1 Hr
Total Wort Vol (in fermenter): 80L
Original Gravity: 1046-1048
Lunch: Artisanal Pizza's of Spiced Lamb and Heirloom Tomatoes.